Friday, November 23, 2012

Amit Chaudhuri wins Infosys Prize

Amit Chaudhuri has won the Infosys Prize for outstanding contribution to the Humanities in Literary Studies. The jury for the 25 lakh (30,000 pound) prize incudes the chair Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate in Economics and Lamont Professor at Harvard University; Homi Bhabha, Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of English and American Literature and Language, Harvard University; Akeel Bilgrami, Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University; Sheldon Pollock, Professor of South Asian Studies, Columbia University; Leila Seth, India's first woman high court chief justice; and Upendra Baxi, Professor of Law in Development, Warwick University.

The Infosys Prizes were instituted in 2008, but this is first time one is being given to Literary Studies. The citation notes that it 'is awarded to Professor Amit Chaudhuri for his imaginative and illuminating writings in literary criticism, which reflect a complex literary sensibility, and great theoretical mastery, along with a probing sense of detail. The Infosys Prize recognizes and celebrates the intellectual reach and the quiet humanity in his extraordinary writings.'

Amit has two albums on Babel.

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